Threshing Floor Tabernacle

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  • Vision – Redemptive, Revelatory, Reviving!


    Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

    (Pro. 29:18 KJV)


    When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.”

    (Pro. 29:18 NLT)


    Where there is ignorance of God, crime runs wild; but what a wonderful thing it is for a nation to know and keep his laws.” (Pro. 29:18 TLB)


    Solidarity Speaks! It is defined as, unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives, and standards, according to Webster’s Dictionary. It commands attention and is powerful in its working. It is birthed out of Vision that unites each part, component, or person to accomplish a specific purpose or purposes.


    Vision is what God gives to His people, the Church, to achieve His purpose in the Earth. He told Habakkuk to, “Write my answer on a billboard, large and clear, so that anyone can read it at a glance and rush to tell the others (Hab. 2:2  TLB).” Vision iswhat keeps us all on the same page, and reminds us of why we exist. While Vision is for everyone, everyone may not be for Vision.


    Vision Unites. Vision Edifies. Vision Achieves. Vision was released when Jesus said, “…upon this rock I will build my Church (Mt. 16:18)...” It is the Revelation of Jesus – The Bedrock of our Faith – that keeps us on course to complete His work in the Earth. From now until Christ comes again, the work and Vision of the Kingdom is being manifest through the Church.


    The Church is not weak in it’s efforts in that Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against IT. The Church’s strength is in the Power of the Holy Ghost and the Authority of the Name of Jesus. The Solidarity of the Church centers around Jesus and what He taught. Through One Voice, One Spirit, One Mind, we achieve the goal which is to “Occupy until He comes” for the Glory of God.


    Step Into It!



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